Christians from all over the world come to Bethlehem to adore and revere the site of Jesus’ birth. The Church of the Nativity was erected over this very spot and continues today to be a place of ardent pilgrimage. Every year thousands of Palestinians, including the president of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbass, and other important personages and diplomats, and foreign tourists attend the celebrations in the church every year.
The city streets of Bethlehem during Christmas time are filled with Christmas trees and bright lights. Shops all over the city open their doors to sell Christmas decorations, and Santa’s red clothes. Christmas decorations are maintained not only in early January for the Orthodox celebrations surrounding Epiphany, but also until late January for the celebration of the Armenian Christmas day. These ongoing holy celebrations make Bethlehem different from any other place in the world.
Bethlehem begins its celebrations with the lighting of the Christmas tree in Manger Square. Music, hymns, and plays accompany the lighting ceremony that celebrates the birth of Christ. Visitors are able to listen to musical groups from countries all over the globe during the Christmas celebrations.
Despite their differing views, Christians and Muslims live alongside one another which lends a harmony to Bethlehem. This harmony imbues Bethlehem with a special beauty. An example of this harmony is the site of the Church of the Nativity and the Mosque of Omar bin al-Khattab, both share the same location in Manger Square and the heart of the city.
In 2014 the celebration of Christmas coincided with the Muslim celebration of the 457th year of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad in 1558. These particular celebrations increased the harmony among the city’s citizens. Christmas in Bethlehem is a unique experience. Your presence at the site of Jesus’ birth will give your Christmas special meaning, one that you can take home with you, and one that you will never forget.
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