How Palestinians react when they know that I am a foreigner?: Palestine is under the occupation since 1948, this situation makes it closed to other nations and other cultures. This situation makes Palestinians more eager to know other people’s culture through welcoming them and talk to them as much as they can.
Palestinians are friendly people who look forward to having a better life and future where they live in peace. Once you come to Palestine you start to feel how friendly are Palestinians and not only this but also how hospitable are they.
Once you are here, you will listen to people welcoming you on the street and public places. You will get more attention and people will try to talk to you and get to know you more. Therefore, don’t be amazed when a Palestinian person who just me invites you for a cup of coffee or tea, it is totally ok in Palestine.
Palestinians look at you not only as a tourist who come to visit and enjoy the time but also as a guest who must be offered an excellent treatment during his/her time in Palestine. They are raised on the philosophy of taking care of their guests whoever they are and to make them feel comfortable as if they had known them for long time or as if they are part of the family.
Palestinians also are eager to show international visitors the Palestinian culture, food and traditions. Here you might be able to attend one of their weddings and share a joyful time with them, you might as well be invited to have a dinner with a Palestinian family which gives you a very good chance to understand the Palestinian culture.
Palestinian culture is based on not only helping family members and neighbors but also passersby whoever that person may be. A Palestinian person will automatically offer any possible help that they can. Moreover and despite their differing views, Christians and Muslims live alongside one another, which lends a harmony to the entire area of Palestine. This harmony imbues Palestine with a special beauty. An example of this harmony is the site of the Church of the Nativity and the Mosque of Omar bin al-Khattab, both sharing the same location in Manger Square in the heart of Bethlehem city.