Battir is a Palestinian village of the western countryside of Bethlehem villages, characterized by nature and traditional vegetable gardens. Battir located to the south-west of Jerusalem, located about 8 km west of Bethlehem. The village has been listed in the World Heritage in 2014, and its name means the house of birds. The village has been visited by hundreds of domestic and foreign tourists to enjoy the beauty of nature and the old farm buildings that supplied by water through an ancient system.
Reaching to Battir is quite easy. Either you can take a shared taxi that stop at the main intersection on Hebron Road what so called “Bab es-Kak” or you can a get a taxi from Central station in Bethlehem for 50 NIS. Its recommended to go there with group of people where you can share the price.
Normally in Battir, travelers can hike via wadi named as Al Maghrour where you can see the olive trees as well as a little cave-tombs dating back to the Byzantine era. There also you will get the chance to see the ancient water management system aged more than 2000 years .
As been mentioned, Palestine in 2014 managed to insert Battir village, which is famous for its agricultural grandstands and primitive watering style, on the list of World Heritage The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
In the village you can also see the rail dating back to Ottoman era, which had used by the British until 1948 and then has been taken over by the Israeli authorities where Palestinians are deprived to use it at all.
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