Many people in the world know Palestine as a place of conflict, clashes and mutual violence which might forbid you from coming to Palestine for a visit. You might have an image of ongoing fight, killings and terror all over your brine and you will prefer to stay safe, enjoying your life with your beloved people instead of putting your life on the edge of danger.
Let’s start by saying that no place on earth is totally safe even in countries characterized by peaceful coexistence. Palestine suffers a lot from the Israeli occupation since 1948 and still facing obstacles till now but despite this fact, Palestinian people live their life normally and do what all people in the world do on the daily basis.
Palestinians believe that nothing impacts their aspirations or ambitions to live better every day that passes. They seek education, best work opportunities as well as serve their country by whatever possible way. They open their hands to all visitors who come to know better about Palestinians daily life, traditions, heritage and Palestine landmarks.
Palestine is dangerous if you want it to be, what you see in the media does not tell the whole story, what you hear from BBC and CNN reporters do not at any case describe the full image of the daily life in Palestine, seeing Palestine only from this small angel is not enough to picture what Palestine really is.
We hear nowadays about terror attacks occur in different parts of the world, recently the ones happened in Berlin, France and Turkey and might be frequent like in Turkey.
Do all of these attacks forbid people from living normally and enjoy the life? Does the attack that targeted Paris or Nice made Paris unsafe place? Does the disgraceful act of terrorism that occurred in Berlin stopped people from celebrating Christmas? If these deeds did not manage to deprive people from being what they are before them, then the occupation does not at any case affect the normal life for Palestinians or the international visitors whom told many stories about their unforgettable, enjoyable and wonderful moments in Palestine and their experience in living with Palestinian host families whom treated them as part of their families.
Number of those who come to Palestine increasing year by year for different aims and purposes. Some people mix between Gaza and West Bank which they totally differ in the security situation. What happens in Gaza does not imply that all Palestine is Gaza. West Bank is more safer than Gaza where you can visit either to study Arabic, volunteer or work in one of more than 200 NGO’s or one week vacation with your friends to enjoy the Palestinian nature.
There are a big number of internationals whom already living in Palestine as residents where they work and gain money to live. Once you come to Palestine, you will definitely change your erroneous picture, you will find normal and safe life, warm and welcoming people, cheap and delicious food, rich cultural legacy and finally a better place to understand closely the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that might not be found in a research or a book in best libraries in the globe, as been said “reading a book might tell you the truth but traveling makes you living it”.