How clean the water in Palestine?

When you travel somewhere you might wonder how clean the water there, it is drinkable or you should buy a bottle of water to avoid all this issue and to be in the safe side. No doubt that the cleanliness of the water is very necessary to our bodies and health in general where we should be careful and strict.

Let’s start by saying that some studies have demonstrated that a significant percentage of the households in Palestine believe their water is of a good quality. The water in Palestine is safe and drinkable for Palestinians, and they experience no ill-effects from using the water for drinking or cooking.

Palestinians are used to use the tap water to drink, cook, watering plants and clean where there is no accident proved that the tap water is not drinkable or contains substances that might harm the human body.

Where the water in Palestine come?

Water in Palestine comes from natural sources that ensured to be clean for people to use. There are about three hundred natural, most of which are located in the east of the West Bank. Not only this but also many people collect rainwater in tanks that are situated on their roofs; however, the collection of rainwater is a limited resource in Palestine.

This collection of rainwater ensures the availability of water in the event that the water is turned off during the summer months. Some inhabitants must buy water from tankers in order to meet their daily water needs.

How many liters Palestinian family consume?

Palestinians have an average use of water of approximately 72 liters per day. Ninety per cent of small Palestinian communities have less than 60 liters per day. Some Palestinians in rural villages use less than the average which may be, in some cases, about 20 liters per day for a single person.

Is there any restrictions on supplying water to Palestinians?  

The water supply and sanitation in Palestine are controlled by the Israeli authorities, and that Palestine does suffer from water shortages. Besides that, the groundwater is divided according to the second Oslo Accord.

Is the hot water available all the time ?

The vast majority of Palestinian homes do not have heating systems, which means that hot water is not always available. Every Palestinian home does have solar panels which heat the water. Several years ago gas or electric heating systems began to become popular among Palestinians, so that hot water is available during the winter months.

Can I buy a bottle of water and how much does it cost?

This option also available where it is in all markets and malls in Palestine, it costs 2 Shekels for the small size and 3 Shekels for the big one. In addition, there are many companies that supply water in bigger sizes for house or offices use.